Thursday, 15 March 2012



You may be highly knowledgeable. But can you stand out in utter confusion? Answer these questions quickly, say in not more than 5 seconds each, and test yourself. Once written, don’t change, alter or rub it again.

a)  If one hen lays 1 egg in one day, how many eggs do two hens lay in 2 days?
         1/ 2/ 3/ 4.
b)  There are 10 crows. One was killed with a banging sound by pistol. How many would be there?
          One / more than zero / none / can’t say.
c)  You are 16 years older than your sister who is 8 years now. How old will you be when you are twice as old as she?
              24/ 32/ 40/ 48.
d)  The question is not based on logic but arithmetic. If 4 hens lay 4 eggs in 4 days, how many eggs 2 hens lay in 2 days?
                  1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 16/ 24.
e)  If A + B = A x B, then A must be 2, B must be 2… (2+2=2x2). Taking this as an example, find out the values of a, b, c, if a + b + c = a x b x c.............

a) Four eggs. There is chance of your making an error, if you are in a hurry to answer.
b) The correct answer is 'more than zero'. No.. Don't get irritated or confused. 'Zero' is also not correct answer, as the crows may go away by hearing the sound of the pistol. But if they are deaf? They cannot hear the sound, and they would stay. What happens if the dead crow is the beloved child of a mother crow? With this logical inference, we conclude. Any way one crow (dead) is going to be there and can me more also. Hence the correct answer is 'more than zero'
c) You are 24 now, After 8 years you would be 32 and she would be 16.
d) One egg. For a simple question of this nature, most students answer two eggs or four or zero. Analyze the question. If four hens lay in 4 days 4 eggs, then one hen in 4 days lays 1 egg; and one hen in 1 day lays 1/4th egg, and in two days it works out to 1/2 egg. Hence 2 hens give 1 egg in two days. Note that this is an arithmetic problem and not to be thought logically.
e) 1 + 2 + 3 = 1 x 2 x 3